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Logo Designs

Logo design is a remarkable form of visual storytelling that distills the entire essence of a brand into a single, memorable graphic symbol. More than just an aesthetic arrangement of shapes and colours, a great logo serves as the visual DNA of an organisation—communicating its values, personality, and unique identity in a fraction of a second.Skilled designers approach logo creation as an intricate art form, carefully balancing simplicity, typography, colour psychology, and graphic symbolism to craft images that can communicate volumes without uttering a single word. From the iconic swoosh of Nike to the minimalist apple of Apple Inc., these visual marks transcend mere corporate identification and become cultural symbols that resonate across global audiences.
Here are a few logos I designed with its process and signified meaning.

The Logo of St. Bonaventure Seminary, Saji P Mathew OFM
The Logo of St. Bonaventure Seminary, Saji P Mathew OFM
The Logo of St. Bonaventure Seminary, Saji P Mathew OFM
The Logo of St. Bonaventure Seminary, Peravoor, Kannur, Kerala. It has three layers.
  • Bonaventure’s theology proposes that ‘everything is/has the fingerprint of god—vestigia. This seminary, in his name, is a fingerprint of God. Fingerprint is a proof of the hand/person behind it—God. The shape of the fingerprint makes it more articulated. So I preferred the logo with the shape of the fingerprint.
  • Chapel on book signifies ‘holiness and learning’. Holiness is founded on learning, and learning builds holiness—sanctitate et doctrina. The chapel in the logo is the front elevation of the real Bonaventure chapel/seminary.
  • It’s very subtle. The fingerprint creates the image of an owl, which is a symbol of philosophy, thinking. While cropping to get the shape of the fingerprint I lost the rest of the owl. But even if the owl is not recognisable it’s fine.
Logo of IIPR and other OFM Educational Institutions, Saji P Mathew OFM
Logo of IIPR and other OFM Educational Institutions. It is an open book held on the axis of TAU; and from the pages of the open book emerges a human person.
Open Book Vs. Closed Book: Book is a symbol of Education. An open book has the potential to transform individuals and society. As merely having medicine in a closed bottle does not heal a sick person, a knowledge and wisdom in a closed book does not transform individuals. Our institutions are places where students are dared to open books of knowledge and challenged to enter into a lasting relationship with knowledge and wisdom.
A Book Opened on the Axis of TAU: TAU represents Franciscan spirituality brotherhood & sisterhood, ecology, justice, peace, and having God as the Supreme Being in life.
The Emerging Human Face: The face could represent the book or the person who is reading the book. It is the becoming of the book as well as the person who is reading the book.
Firstly, every book is a being. Perhaps what we see in a book are dry words/signs; but when we begin to get into a relationship with it, the book becomes spirit, life, and meaning. The book becomes a living being/person to the reader.
Secondly, the person who reads the book also has his/her becoming and evolving as a significant human person.
Education with Character: There is a difference between education and education. Education, in most cases today, is as automatic and repetitive as an industrial process of producing a product. It is characterless.
Education gives us information, it equips us to interpret, analyse, and create. Education with character goes beyond: it upholds human rights, it cares for ecology and environment, it helps to appreciate aesthetics, it makes one go beyond oneself and show compassion, and it teaches to include others.
Some need greater help with acquiring knowledge and using the acquired knowledge; some need greater help with implementing human rights, compassion, and inclusivity, etc., and some others need greater help in both.
Logo of Prakruti Mitra, Saji P Mathew OFM
Logo of Prakruti Mitra, Saji P Mathew OFM
Logo of Prakruti Mitra, Saji P Mathew OFM
Logo of Prakruti Mitra, an eco-spirituality centre in Chundale, Wayanad. Prakruti Mitra means friend or companion of nature. Prakruti is portrayed as a giant in meditation/prayer. We join with it in meditation/prayer, thus we are in its warm embrace. Prakruti and us are in a mutual embrace. Prakruti and us have blurred borders. Prakruti and us are holding the other up. Prakruti and us are in constant interplay. Prakruti though a giant, yet remains in humble sublimity.
The image of the mountain in the logo is an abstraction of the magnificent Chembra Peak overlooking the Prakruti Mitra eco-spirituality centre.
The logo Franciscan Youth Meet. Saji P Mathew OFM
The logo of Franciscan Youth Meet (FRA.Y.ME).
Frames are used to have a mental association with the word ‘frayme’. The placement of the frames is intentional. The millennial youth is described as me generation, because they are characterised as bold, self obsessed, entitled and want to be at the centre and forefront of everything. They want to be noticed. Therefore the bold, red me in the logo.
Colours: brown for stands for Franciscans, yellow is the colour of youthfulness, happiness etc., red is the colour of passion, love, revolution and boldness. It’s the colour of me-me generation.
Heartbeat: Heartbeat comes from the Franciscan TAU to youth and the meet. This indicates the pulse and purpose of the meet -to communicate Francis to the Youth.The logo seems to say, Francis and Me.
Jyoti Filmato Logo


seekers cafe logo
What is common for both coffee and a journey-of-seeking? Both are magical. They transport us to another space. Coffee does it mentally; and journey does it physically.  Coffee + Journey + Magic = Seekers Cafe Logo.

logo design, Saji P Mathew OFM
logo design, Saji P Mathew OFM
logo design, Saji P Mathew OFM
logo design, Saji P Mathew OFM
logo design, Saji P Mathew OFM

F&P of Franciscan Publication constitutes a book which is upheld.

For a collaborative venture between OFM and MZF.
Friars, Rejoice in the Gospel Always: A happy smile in yellow signifies rejoicing. The reason of their happiness is the gospel. The first and last verses of the bible are mentioned to establish this is the Bible. The Bible is shown as alive and active and not a dead/closed book. The smile and the theme-wordings make the upper part of the habit, and the bible makes the hood of the habit. The hallow / head / circle. Circle is an unending/infinite line, here indicating always.

Togetherness in Mission Beyond Borders.

Fraternity and Mission: Those moving out for mission, as seen in the logo, take on a journey out into the unknown and the unpredictable on a lonely and untrodden path. Their strength is their connection with the community and the source (the cross).

One Bread, One Body, One Brotherhood
THE FORM: The form/shape of the logo demonstrate, inter-related oneness, bread-likeness, and the permeating presence of the TAU (Franciscan) cross.
The cross is glorified in yellow, signifying resurrection; and the enduring happiness it brings into our lives.
Brown is the colour of baked bread, coziness and being down to earth, being in touch with the basic need of all of us. The body is in beige. Beige is a mix of black, brown, white and yellow, of course, in varied measure. We have happily populated this earth in these colours. And our Lord was pleased to take a form in this colour. Purple is the colour of penitence. Here it signifies the penitent brotherhood. A brotherhood reconciled, reconciling and yet to reconcile. And everything else in the logo recedes back to the colourless grey.THE BROKENNESS: All these, 'bread', 'body' and 'brotherhood', are awfully materialistic and worldly. People use and abuse them for personal gain, pleasure. These elements receive spiritual meaning and relevance with the event of Jesus. Jesus BROKE it/them. He made it/them EUCHARISTIC.

THAARE: St Anthony's Friary Parish Youth Group with the motto, guiding people to light.THAARE: St Anthony's Friary Parish Youth Group with the motto, guiding people to light.
THAARE: Parish Youth Group with the motto, 'guiding people to light'.


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