We have grown up hearing the ancient wisdom, "Water is life, and clean water is health." The recent water stress that cities all over the country, and very palpably Bengaluru, is facing indicates that our life and our health are at risk. At any time, in want of water, our electrocardiogram graph can go flat into a straight line. The demand for water has exceeded the available amount of water. 1.2 billion people, one in every seven persons, across the globe spend their day searching or waiting for water. Can we bounce back? The answer is in building and maintaining a blue-green infrastructure. In a region, if the amount of renewable water per person is below 1,700 m3, the country is said to be experiencing water stress. If it is below 1,000 m3, it is said to be experiencing water scarcity. And if it is below 500 m3, it is experiencing absolute water scarcity. We are not yet at absolute water scarcity level; but indications are that our negligence, indifference and lack of i...
The fascinating world of ARTISTIC EXPRESSIONS. I believe that ART achieves what religions set out to achieve; ART will succeed where religions failed. ART makes us go deeper into the colours and truths of beings. ART challenges the imposed myth of the single story. ART brings to light other truths. ART takes us beyond the borders of our bubbles/world. Explore the possibilities of a non-alienated life. Its a constant going beyond -from ME to US; and from US to ALL OF US; from ALL OF US to ALL.